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 1. YEU field sitrep  SITREP - Indonesia 5 Oct  Christian Aid 
 2. Bill Bailey  Indonesia  Live in New York 2002 
 3. Bill Bailey  Indonesia  Live in New York 2002 
 4. RSI Siaran Indonesia  Podcast RSI Indonesia  Radio Singapore International - Mediacorp Radio Singapore Pte Ltd 
 5. RSI Siaran Indonesia  Podcast RSI Indonesia  Radio Singapore International, Mediacorp Radio Singapore Pte Ltd 
 6. Radio Singapore International, Mediacorp Radio Singapore Pte Ltd  RSI Siaran Indonesia   
 7. Jamaica Cafe  Indonesia Pusaka  Dirgahayu Indonesia 
 8. JAM On The Air  Indonesia radio 10-20-94  www.jingles.com 
 9. Joe Kissell  Bahasa Indonesia  Interesting Thing of the Day 
 10. Radio Singapore International  Podcast RSI Siaran Indonesia  Mediacorp Radio Singapore Pte Ltd 
 11. RSI Siaran Indonesia  Podcast RSI Siaran Indonesia  Radio Singapore International, Mediacorp Radio Pte Ltd. 
 12. RSI Siaran Indonesia  Podcast RSI Siaran Indonesia  Radio Singapore International, Mediacorp Radio Pte Ltd. 
 13. RSI Siaran Indonesia  Podcast RSI Siaran Indonesia  Radio Singapore International, Mediacorp Radio Pte Ltd 
 14. RSI Siaran Indonesia  Podcast RSI Siaran Indonesia  Radio Singapore International, Mediacorp Radio Singapore Pte Ltd 
 15. Radio Komunitas Indonesia  Radio Komunitas Indonesia   
 16. Dr Peter McCawley  Indonesia: punching below it's weight?  Wednesday Lunch at Lowy 
 17. Dr Douglas Ramage  Indonesia's political reconstruction  Wednesday Lunch at Lowy 
 18. amisnet.org  06/07/2004 : INDONESIA: BALLOTTAGGIO A SETTEMBRE  Audionews 2004 
 19. amisnet.org  05/04/2004 : Indonesia: oggi elezioni  Audionews 2004 
 20. Radio Singapore International  Indonesia Media Watch - Cancer Drug  Indonesia Media Watch 
 21. Professor James Fox  Before Cook: 18th Century Accounts of Life in Eastern Indonesia  National Library of Australia 
 22. Bernard Arps  Spiritual Refreshment, Medicine for the Heart: Islamic Preaching on Record and on the Air in Indonesia  UCLA Center for Southeast Asian Studies 
 23. Rev. Marti Keller and Cindy Brown  From Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert  UUCA - Sermons and Readings 
 24. Radio Singapore International  Indonesia Media Watch - Crown of Thorns Starfish Overcrowding Bunaken Marine Park  Mediacorp Radio Singapore 
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